Rodents in your home or business can create severe health risks. Not only do rodents carry diseases, but they can also contaminate your food and destroy paper office supplies. If you have spotted a rodent in your home or business or have seen evidence of their presence, contact an exterminator today. An exterminator or pest control company will be able to determine the best course of action. Let's explore how
pest control companies
take care of an infestation in your home.
Eliminating Access Points
Rodents don't require large holes to enter your home. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), mice can fit in holes the size of a nickel and rats in holes the size of half a dollar. Pest control companies will search the inside and outside of your home for access points of all sizes. Upon locating them, they use hardware cloth, sheet metal, or wire mesh to seal these holes to prevent mice and rats from continuing to get inside your house.
Setting Bait Stations
Like rodent traps, bait stations lure rodents to their deaths. The difference, however, is that bait stations use poisoned food to kill rodents. Still, some people don't see their importance. Instead, they think bait stations attract more rodents than they kill. However, the effect of bait stations in dealing with a colony or nest of rodents cannot be underestimated; they kill these pests slowly over time.
Setting Mouse Traps
When a rodent infestation is identified early, pest control companies can place several mouse traps in your home or business. They may use different traps because of the different sizes of mice and rats. Common areas where these may be placed are in your attic, basement, kitchen, garage, and bathrooms. Snapping traps and glue traps are two popular, reliable methods of trapping rodents.
Fumigation is often the last option pest control companies opt for. In fact, interior home fumigation is illegal in certain places and only allowed in barns, grain storage facilities, train cars, and warehouses. However, if you reside in an area where home fumigation is allowed, you and your family will have to vacate your home for a couple of days until the poisonous fumes dissipate. Your pest control company will spray your home with fumes that can wipe out entire rodent colonies.
Rodent infestations are serious occurrences that can have large implications on your home and well-being. If you notice rodents in your home or business, call Bugout Termite and Pest Control Inc today for a comprehensive inspection and extermination.
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